1. Getting started: decide how to raise funds

Our top tip is to turn what you love doing into a fundraiser. Write down a list of all the things that you love doing - be it running, getting together with friends and family, or your love at winning your favourite board game. Look at your list and think about which ideas can help you raise money. Perhaps you could do a sponsored run, or a dinner party with friends. Maybe you could hold a games night. The options are endless.

2. Get others involved

The saying goes that many hands make light work, and that is certainly the case with fundraising. Have a think about how others might be able to support your fundraising. Either by co-hosting/ taking part with you, or even the smaller practical things - help setting up a venue, transport, baking cakes.

3. Name the time and place

It could be that your event doesn’t need a venue, or maybe you have one in mind. Make sure you think about the capacity, cost and access, making sure it is appropriate for your fundraising activity. If you are wanting to do something active, there are loads of runs, walks and cycles around the UK that you can get places in, which may be easier than planning your own.

4. Tell people about it

For your fundraising to be a success, people need to know about it. If you are doing a sponsored activity, we strongly recommend setting up an online fundraising page, either using Wonderful.com, or on Facebook. If you are having an event, make sure you tell your networks and promote it as wide as you can. Putting notifications in church and school newsletters can really help, as well as setting up Facebook events to share online.

5. Have fun!

For more hints and tips, please get in touch.