Fact file

Supported since 2022
Number of beneficiaries 300+
Country Burkina Faso
Type of Support Support Refugees

What we love?

There is a lot to love about Burkina Faso, with bustling outdoor markets, tradition Balafon music, Burkinabe cuisine, and traditional dances and festivals.

What are the challenges?

Burkina Faso is currently facing a severe humanitarian crisis. Armed attacks have caused the displacement of over 900,000 children alone. The country is facing epidemic threats too and this insecurity has meant that 83 health facilities have had to close and 273 are operating at the most limited capacity. Over 2000 schools have closed too, causing food insecurity and preventing children from accessing education.

What are our partners doing?

Our partners are running a project in the north of the country providing food and medical care to displaced families on a regular basis. As well as food and medical help, they also offer much-needed shelter and school furniture. Furthermore, they started small vocational skills training centre for some of the displaced children as a way to support them further.

What can you do?

Both prayer and finance will go a long way to supporting this project and the children they are able to help. If you would like to give a donation, regular or one-off, click the donate button, and remember to Gift Aid if you can; it really helps.

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