Fact file

Supported since 2016
Number of beneficiaries 50+
Country Bulgaria
Type of Support Improve Mental health

What we love?

Bulgaria has a rich history, with influences from the ancient Thracian civilisations to the Byzantine and ottoman empires, all leaving their mark on the culture and architecture. It is home to a city that is over 8,000 years old, it is one of the world’s top producers of Rose oil and has the world’s deepest metro station. Bulgarians have a heritage to celebrate.

What are the challenges?

Children in Roma where our partners work face enormous barriers to reaching their potential, including inter-generational poverty, and a cultural dis-interest in education. Many children are forced to work or care for siblings instead of attending school.

What are our partners doing?

Hope for the Best run a school and preschool, meeting the desperate needs of 70 children, teaching them to read, write and study the Bible. They work with the families and provide the children with a hot meal and snack they may not otherwise receive, as well as backpacks, clothing, shoes and resources. All of this helps ensure the children reach their full potential. When needed, they also provide or fund much needed medical care.

What can you do?

Both prayer and finance will go a long way to supporting this project and the children they are able to help. If you would like to give a donation, regular or one-off, click the donate button, and remember to Gift Aid if you can; it really helps.


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