Fact file

Supported since 2014
Number of beneficiaries 200
Country Iraq
Type of Support Support Refugees

Children are amongst the most vulnerable people in the world. For many, especially those living in countries affected by war, their futures are limited by violence, child labour, early marriage, illiteracy and inequality.

It is vital that children are able to play. Play gives children confidence, empowers and protects them, and teaches them vital life skills. That is why the project that CRY supports in Baghdad is so powerful. The project collects orphans from around the city, bringing them to a centre where they can play and relax. The centre also teaches them to read and write - a skill especially important as very few of the children are able to attend school.

As an extension to this project, the centre identified 25 displaced families who are struggling to receive additional support. These families have very young children, and are displaced - having lost their homes, jobs and security. They have little opportunity to earn and so are struggling to meet the basic needs of their families. With CRY’s help, our partners are supporting them with food packages and basic healthcare, helping to ensure their survival.

One mother recently says: “I was hopeless and helpless in life. I even was thinking that my and my children’s days are getting over to death. But when you visited our camp and met me for the first time, I felt that there are good people serving without return to lend the hand of help. Since that first meeting with you I received a kind of peace; I felt that a nightmare left me without coming back”.

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