Fact file

Supported since 2015
Number of beneficiaries 50+
Country Guinea
Type of Support Enable Education

What we love?

Guinean culture celebrates rich traditions of music and dance, fostering a vibrant sense of community and expression. Additionally, the culture places high value on familial ties and communal support, creating a strong sense of solidarity and belonging among its people. Families and belonging are really important to our partners and to us.

What are the challenges?

Guinea faces challenges from political instability to socio-economic development, which has undermined many of the efforts to address poverty and inequality. Many families don’t have access to basic services like healthcare and education. Especially for girls, a lack of education can mean a dire future.

What are our partners doing?

CRY supports the Jubilee International School in the city of Conakry; a school that provides education for children. CRY supports by paying the fees for children who would otherwise not be able to receive education.

What can you do?

Both prayer and finance will go a long way to supporting this project and the children they are able to help. If you would like to give a donation, regular or one-off, click the donate button, and remember to Gift Aid if you can; it really helps.

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