Fact file

Supported since 2022
Number of beneficiaries 50+
Country Kenya
Type of Support Improve Mental health

What we love?

Kenya is beautiful in many ways. It blends together natural wonders, cultural richness and unforgettable experiences. Over 40 ethnic groups are represented within Kenya, bringing diversity to its people and traditions alike. It also holds history within its boundaries, attracting visitors from around the world.

What are the challenges?

Poverty, sickness and unemployment are ongoing, constant challenges for some Kenyans, worsened by ethnic tensions, corruption, and security worries. Help is needed in various aspects for both children and families in areas like Kibera.

What are our partners doing?

Children need hope, and joy, and need belief in them to reach their full potential. We have partnered with AfrocureKids, a performing arts centre in Kibera, the largest slum in Africa. They offer dance and art classes to children and young people, providing a space for them to relax, learn, and heal. Additionally, they supply food and clothing when needed and assist with school tuition. This space allows children to thrive beyond poverty and have a positive impact on their community.

What can you do?

Both prayer and finance will go a long way to supporting this project and the children they are able to help. If you would like to give a donation, regular or one-off, click on the give button, and remember to Gift Aid if you can; it really helps.

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