Fact file

Supported since 2021
Number of beneficiaries 100+
Country Afghanistan
Type of Support Empower Girls

What we love?

Art in Afghanistan is a rich tapestry woven from the nation's diverse cultural heritage and tumultuous history. Traditional Afghan art includes intricate carpet weaving, vibrant tile work, and detailed miniature paintings, reflecting influences from Persian, Indian, and Central Asian cultures. Despite decades of conflict and political upheaval, contemporary Afghan artists continue to create, often blending traditional motifs with modern themes to address social issues, resilience, and identity.

What are the challenges?

The ongoing conflict in Afghanistan has resulted in widespread violence, displacement of families and loss of life, creating a pervasive sense of insecurity and trauma for children. It is leaving a lasting impact on their mental and emotional health. It has left many without access to education, especially girls and those in rural areas, due to poverty, cultural barriers and security concerns. Basic needs are hard to meet for many families, leading to child labour, child marriage and exploitation being amongst cultural norms.

What are our partners doing?

Due to the sensitive situation in Afghanistan, we cannot disclose too many details about our partners or the work they are doing. They are supporting people in devastating circumstances and giving them a glimpse of hope with the support we are able to give. This involves helping some of the most vulnerable communities by improving nutrition and education for all, including girls and children with additional needs, who otherwise would not receive it. We believe there is hope for children to rise beyond poverty.

 What can you do?

Both prayer and finance will go a long way to supporting this project and the children they are able to help. If you would like to give a donation, regular or one-off, click on the give button, and remember to Gift Aid if you can; it really helps.

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