Important Notice | CRY CEO

Retirement of Current CEO

We are writing to inform you that Chris Tait will be retiring from his position as CEO of Care and Relief for the Young on 31 August 2024. Chris has been an integral part of CRY for seven and a half years, leading us through some challenging times and helping to establish us as a relevant charity for the future while staying true to our original principles.

We are immensely grateful for Chris’s dedication and contributions to our development; his vision and commitment have left an indelible mark on the charity. Please join us in wishing him God’s blessing for the future.

Appointment of New CEO

We are also pleased to announce the appointment of Aimé Gotte as CRY’s new CEO, effective 1 September 2024. Aimé has worked with CRY for two years and brings valuable experience from working directly with our partners as well as holding management roles in other UK-based charities.

We are confident that under Aimé’s guidance, CRY will continue to thrive and help many more children across the world. His innovative approach and vision will be instrumental in leading CRY into the future.

Please join us in welcoming and praying for Aimé in his new role. We look forward to a blessed future under his leadership.

Chris will work alongside Aimé for a few months to aid the transition and will continue to support CRY in a voluntary capacity. CRY’s trustees have asked me to thank Chris for his work over the years and to express their wholehearted support for Aimé as he takes over the leadership of Care and Relief for the Young.

Ian Chiddle | Chair of Trustees

For more news click here.